
The Club has an extensive range of good books, periodicals, DVD’s and other articles of a nautical nature.  These are made available to Members at  our monthly meetings. Mr. Scott Rickards is our Librarian and he fulfills all the functions befitting his office. Please contact this most approachable  fellow if there is anything you would like to borrow, peruse, read, view or study.  For a sample of some of the books available, please click on the following link. Library Books Available .  A selection of books will be displayed on the tables at our monthly dinners.covers

Past Guest Speakers

If you are interested in the extensive list of guest speakers we have had to talk at our dinner meetings in previous years, please click on the following links.
As you will see, the range of Speakers  we have heard from is quite amazing, and on behalf of the membership of the SSCA, we thank them all for giving up their time to tell us about their experiences, for entertaining us with their passions, the sharing of their knowledge and for their comradeship.

Guest Speakers during 2019

Guest Speakers during 2018

Guest Speakers during 2017

Guest speakers during 2016

Guest speakers during 2015

Guest speakers during 2014

Guest speakers during 2013

Guest speakers during 2012

  In 1984 Tim Readman took part in the Jason Voyage expedition to re-enact Homers’ story of Jason and the Argonauts on a vessel called ‘Argo’. He has since moved to Adelaide and became a member of the Seven Seas Club here. Several years ago he gave a wonderful presentation of the re-enactment and in 2014 he returned to Georgia to celebrate the 30th anniversary of this adventure.

Click here to see the ‘Argo’